Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thrifted Vintage Finds

As a child, I always secretly admired my mother's early 90's style. To me she was the standard of nineties chic with her endless array of sheer black and floral fabrics, sopping wet Jerry curls that, as nineties wore on, morphed into a some sort of fabulous half shaved, half cropped product of 20th century engineering, and her clunky Egyptian earrings. Sometimes I find myself emulating her style and not even knowing it, and then I have to thank God for hipsters; they've made it okay to dress completely out of context.

This weekend I happened upon a little Antique/Thrift shop near the beach and decided to check it out.

Jesus...Take the wheel...

I love awkward family photos with Santa as much as the next girl, but...this is just bad...*Shakes my head* This picture is just too jacked up for words. Jesus, the wheel, take it!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Look of Mormon?

Posing with my little goddaughter here in my 90's vintage flowerdress and lace-up booties. This dress makes me think of Blossom...and Sister Wives, that creepy show about polygamy.

I'll definitely post about my Thrifting exploits this week.

My Favorite Things

Nice little freebie from Sephora
Sephora Makeup Palette 
 Ooh yeah! Stay tuned for MANY makeup photoshoots!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Behold! My Black Friday Loot!

Stacks on Stacks on Stacks
For the first time in my life, I allowed myself to get yanked, out of my post-thanksgiving slumber, into Black Friday Foolishness. Many of the huge electronics stores opened at midnight while Forever21, Victoria Secret and Express started their doorbuster deals at 4am. 

Here's my post Black Friday Wrap-up. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Down to a Science: What Men Want

Long silky hair, generous curves, and a cranial cavity filled with tumbleweeds and glitter. Is that really what men want?
According to  Millionare Matchmaker Patti Stanger, it is. Now ladies, before we sharpen our nails and get ready to hurtle Virginia Woolf literature at the screen, Patti also adds (to paraphrase): “Don’t hate the player. Hate the game.”
She’s “just the messenger”. Patti asserts that, while she made a name for herself telling women to shed a few pounds, dye their hair, and to ixnay on the book learnin’, she’s only following biology.
Check our the rest of my article on The Daily Frizz

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang!

I told you guys I was going to IN on bangs this fall. And oh yeah baby. Behold!

These fringe bangs are out of control. They're stopping traffic and causing accidents--mostly because I have no peripheral vision with them. But I don't care. Who the hell needs to see what's around them? What's around me needs to check these killer bangs.