Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012, eh? It's Resolution Time, Suckas!

If I don't post my New Year aspirations here then who will judge me and hold me accountable later!?

2011 was the best and worst year of my life. The highs were high and the lows were low, but I don't think I can say I regretted a minute of it. You know what, let's count the blessings: I went to London, wined dined and romanced in Paris, stuffed my face with chocolate like a pig in the Alps of Switzerland, stepped out like a billionaire in the French Riviera, saw the pope in Rome. Basically life's been an ABC Family special of Olsen Twins movies. It's been wonderful and I am truly blessed. I love my job, my friends, and this blog, of course, where I find outlet for my weird and random musings and sometimes people read them.

So here goes it, 2012!

1. Eat Real Food!
This year, I'm taking the 100 days of real food challenge! Ever since I watched Food Inc. I've been serious about eating healthy, natural, hormone/free radical/GMO free food. Guys remember my raw milk escapades?

Once I gestapo-ed out on  my mother and forced her to read off the list of ingredients in her so-called "healthy" butter alternative. But yeah, I started slacking. However, THIS year's going to get REAL. Nothing is going into this body unless I know where it's been. *Oh, see what I did there!*

Feel free to judge me if I fall off the wagon.

2. Get back to that gym I'm still paying for every month
3. CLEAN my car
To quote my brother when he sees said car: "You have a sickness".

4. Spend more time in NYC
Uh...I didn't pay for a Spirit Air membership for nothing!

5. Go places for the heck of it
6. GIVE more!
Spending some time with my friend in the Peace Corps (Currently in Peru) this holiday made me feel like a complete loser for living extravagantly this year while so many people are suffering in my own back yard! For real. Forget Wall St.; they need to me occupying my materialistic behind!

I have to do something this year to help others. Yeah... everybody says that but not everyone is as insane as I am (in a good way...I hope).

2012 will be the year I make a difference in someone's life! (Muahahahahahaha!) Wait...That is an evil villain laugh. (hehehehe).

7. BLOG more
8. Shop less
9. Drink more wine!
10. Dance at least 60% more than I did in 2011.

Happy New Year, luvas! God bless, stay safe, and don't kiss any losers at midnight!

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